King’s Corner – Turtles And The Town Manager


(By John King – Candidate For Town Council) This week witnessed success with the approval of the first reading of the amended Sea Turtle Conservation Ordinance. Thanks to Councilman Allers, Councilman Atterholt and Mayor Murphy for staying true to their positions and voting in favor.

As I predicted, after the May 2nd Town Council meeting, the Marine Resources Task Force (MRTF) and Turtle Time became involved to argue against any change. The MRTF believes that the issue should be handled through the zoning variance process. You think Town Council meetings are long now, wait until you have a Condo Association undergo window replacements and you have hundreds of owners seeking a zoning variance.

MRTF and Turtle Time also believe that the Pink Shell has the answer by going with, what I believe, is 3M Window Film. That process may fit their needs, but could be a problem for residential owners. As a representative from PGT Industries stated at the May 16 Town Council meeting, work is underway in conjunction with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission to test 45% and 15% tinting. The PGT rep stated 15% wasn’t tested thoroughly. Also 15% is quite conservative, aggressive and a significant change with no real proven studies. The PGT rep also stated that after-the-fact window tinting, such as the 3M Window Film, may void manufacturers’ warranties and create heat stress cracks in the glass.

A Turtle Time volunteer tried to counter the warranty argument by stating the 3M product carries a warranty. In my checking the 3M website, their warranty for thermal glass failure is 5 years and 3 years for seal failure. PGT warranties their insulated glass for a minimum of 10 years up to 25 years at 100%. From year 26 forward it becomes 50% for glass. The 3M warranty maximum payout per window is $500. I received a quote for new 45% tint windows that was $1,200. For my sliding glass doors the cost would be $3,500 for one set & $7,400 for the other. The 3M warranty is provided to the original purchaser only and is not transferable. PGT allows for warranty transfer.

In addition, the Town Manager had his annual review. I would have to say the way this was handled was very disappointing.
* The Town has lost its Public Works Director and Finance Director. Have the reasons been shared?
* Enhancing the relationship with our County partners was brought up. Within days of my candidacy filing I pledged to work to improve that relationship.
* Improving communication was mentioned. When the Town only gives 48 hours notice of a meeting on a topic as important as beach renourishment, that is a complete and utter failure. It is a complete disregard for Citizens/Taxpayers and a public slap in the face to Council members who did not know beforehand.

When this Town Manager sought the position in 2017, he stated he could work with the Town Council, “the employees and the public… to move this community forward in a way that everyone can get behind and be supportive and the way I’ll do that is by being communicative with you and the public”.

That is an EPIC FAIL.

John R. King can be reached by e-mail at

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