How Would You Like To Dive in St. Croix?


Fort Myers Beach residents Renee and Megan Heil are organizing a couples wellness retreat for April of 2022. The trip includes rest and relaxation, healthy eating, yoga and exercise, exploration, and, of course diving. There are options to do one, the other, or parts of both.

The dates are April 14th – 18th. Couples will be staying at the Featherleaf Inn in St Croix, a historic sugar plantation. The pricing includes lodging, food, and the fees for diving and other activities. They’ve created an event page with more details here. They are offering friends and family a 10% discount if you book by October 10th.

The day’s activities are designed so that everyone can enjoy the parts of the retreat they are most interested in and still spend time together. The guided dives include the reef and wrecks of Butler Bay (just out in front of Featherleaf Inn), the Wall at Cane Bay and Northstar, day and night dives at the Frederiksted Pier, plus boat dives to some other reef locations.

Get more details HERE.