The Latest on The Sanibel Causeway


On October 6th at 12:00, the Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce will host a virtual meeting with Jesse Lavender, director of Lee County Parks & Recreation. Lavender will update Chamber members about the upcoming Sanibel Causeway projects that will follow erosion-control improvements on the Sanibel Causeway.

Commissioners said they have heard concerns from the public that

The $8.5 million project includes restoring shorelines, installing beach erosion control measures, more structured parking and restroom buildings.

At a recent Lee County Board meeting several Lee County Commissioners voiced their concern that the new structured parking – which will include parking fees – will take away from one of the last old Florida beach experiences, where you could pull up to a beach, pop open the tailgate and enjoy a picnic or the sunset.

Register for the Lavender virtual meeting HERE.
Lee County also created a website so you can stay up on the project HERE.