How You Can Follow Your Council Candidates


Mayor Dan Allers, Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt, Councilman Scott Safford and candidate Greg Scasny have all launched their campaign websites. These four candidates are running for three open seats on the Fort Myers Beach Town Council this November. Here are their campaign websites…

Mayor Dan Allers
Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt
Councilman Scott Safford
Candidate Greg Scasny

According to the Lee County Elections website here’s how much money all 4 candidates have raised so far:


  1. Some people run for Office for sheer PERSONAL gain.
    They will get what they can and move on to the next.
    They have no regard for residents, Island’s future or problems that may come from their decidions.
    GREED …..

  2. I hope all voting FMB residents are reviewing this information. Mr. Stafford wants to re-write the Comp and LDC plans and has three $1,000 contributions from the same address: 2210 Vanderbilt Beach Rd #1300, Naples, Fl 34109. One labeled 6200 Estero Investments (the Outrigger’s address) and one labeled London Bay. This seems to be a conflict of the $1000 contribution rule. What other conflicts will occur if he’s voted in?

  3. I think disqualifications should be 1.) any candidate that will prosper by voting for these mega buildings from being built, then they need to sit out on that vote. Also 2.) I do not think that non-homeowners or non-property owners should be allowed to vote on things that will effect the values of our homes. How can they justify them voting for anything that will raise our taxes or will negatively impact the values of our properties when they have zero skin in the game????

    • “non-homeowners or non-property owners”???

      You can be a renter and still be entitled to vote.

      Only those whose primary home (owned or rented) is there can vote there.

  4. Greg is a wonderful man and is someone not trying to get rich but help his fellow islanders annual or seasonal, he wants the best for Fort Myers Beach with reasonable common sense development. Not a 10-story megacomplex. We’re little FMB, not Miami Beach.

    • Greg is getting my vote for sure. He is not for approving all these mega resorts that keep getting approved. His common sense approach is what we need rather than these riduclous mega complexes.

    • Exactly,
      Disgusting that certain ones have accepted so much. Safford needs to remember end of day, the residents watch who supports them and who just wants to line their pockets. FMB voters need to come out in force.

      • Not sure what you mean by “line their pockets,” but you can view all campaign donations on LeeCo’s website.

        It will show you the date, amount, contributor name-address-occupation, and method (PayPal, check, etc.)

        Campaign donations have a maximum allowed amount, and there are restrictions on how donations can be spent. (I know in the past, TC candidates have donated remaining funds post-election to various charitable organizations.)

    • Most won’t. They will probably not take into consideration qualifications, experience, history of voting record for all present council/mayoral members as well as any side businesses that can effect their votes. Also, let’s look at who has skin in the game. I have read countless comments on people supporting certain candiates because they are a nice person. “Nice” doesn’t protect the charm or the island. Nice doesn’t keep mega complexes from being approved. I would really love to know how many of the people that post comments here are not even home owners that live on the island and how many are just loud voices that have zero skin in the game. Their voices towards our elections should not matter.


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