Florida CFO Joins Our September 28th Event


On September 28, 2023, along with the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Beach Talk Radio is hosting a special one-year event at Bayside Park at 9AM for family members of loved ones lost in the storm. Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis has been added to our speakers list.

A special gift will be presented to the families and donated to the town.

In addition to Patronis, our September 28th list of speakers includes: Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers, Lee County Board Commissioner Ray Sandelli, State Representative Adam Botana, Fort Myers Beach Fire Chief Scott Wirth and State Senator Jonathan Martin.

If you know a family member of anyone that passed in the storm, please have them contact edryan@asdfads today.

We’re also hosting a special episode of Beach Talk Radio at Wahoo Willie’s beginning at 10AM. Our guests for the entire show will be Fort Myers Beach Hurricane Ian survivors. If you are, or if you know a Hurricane Ian survivor, please contact us at edryan@asdfads.


  1. Ron what exactly are your metrics for a “functional paradise”? Our primary metric should be rebuilding, permits approved and construction sites in progress. Yeah, I appreciate the grocery store, “eat and drink places”, and the Sheriff’s Office., small step for us but a giant step for FMB? If you are assessing our progress in terms of metrics, then let’s look at the % of eating places and visitors on the “sugary sandy beaches”, we are not talking leaps and bounds after almost a year. Many of us do not have the “courage” to offer our full names, as this has little to do with “courage” and all to do with deflecting the wrath of City Hall. Thanks to Captain America, courageous indeed!!

  2. Dear Captain America: As I recall, the vice mayor said it would be a “functional” paradise which begat a number of songs being renamed: Functional Paradise by the Dashboard Light and Two Tickets to a Functional Paradise to name a couple. Personally, I think we have achieved that, and for proof, just head to our sugar sand beach any weekend to see visitors enjoying it as they did in times past. We have a grocery store, many places to eat & drink and a Sheriff’s office on site. By some metrics, we are way ahead of Mexico Beach which suffered the same devastation 5 years ago. On a closing note, why don’t you have the courage to sign your real name?

  3. All of us that live or have lived on Fort Myers Beach through Hurricane Ian, if we stayed or evacuated are survivors just in different ways! Coming back to the Island for the first time after the storm to see if your home was there or gone was heart wrenching for all! I just give God the praise even in the face of the hurricane for His goodness as I had to face clean up and repair.

  4. Would be great to have a Jim Atterholt on and play back his comments right after the hurricane that the town would be functioning as normal in a year. See what his thoughts are on the slow recovery pace. See if he has some insight into what is causing the issues of cleanup and rebuilding.

    • I live on the island, go to the grocery store, go out to eat, visit with friends, enjoy the bars, fish, boat, and walk the beach. It seems to be functioning to me.

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