Is Fort Myers Beach Ready for a Parade?


Town councilwoman Karen Woodson believes beach residents are ready and she’s asked Bay Oaks Director Jeff Hague to look into the logistics and cost of a 4th of July parade on Estero Boulevard.

As of this week, portions of the sidewalk and bike lanes on Estero Boulevard are filled with construction debris and there is no plan to remove it. Lee County owns Estero Boulevard and has said the debris now sitting on the sidewalks and in the bike lanes should not have been pushed to the right-of-way after the FEMA deadline and is now the responsibility of the homeowner or contractor to go back and remove. Of course it may all be gone by July, which is still several months away.

You can share your thoughts about whether Fort Myers Beach is ready for a parade with councilwoman Woodson by sending her an e-mail at

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