Is Your Slate of Candidates Set?


We’ll know by noon today if the four candidates now qualified to run for Fort Myers Beach town council are the final four that will run for the two open seats in November.

The deadline to qualify to run for office in all Lee County elections is noon today. If another candidate jumps into the town council race before noon today they would have certainly stayed under the radar until the very last minute. And, they most likely will pay the $504 fee to run rather than get the 49 signatures needed. It will also mean that Vice Mayor Rexann Hosafross would have five months remaining on the council before she exits stage left in November.

As of now, qualified to run are John King, Karen Woodson, Patrick Romcoe and Ray Murphy. If the slate stands as it is now, we know for sure that the council will see at least one new member, possibly two if any of the three new candidates can unseat Murphy.

King and Woodson canvassed the beach and qualified by getting 49 or more verified signatures to get on the ballot. Murphy and Romcoe did not, opting to pay the $504 fee rather than canvass for the signatures.

Each of the approximate 4,900 registered voters on Fort Myers Beach will get two votes in November. The two candidates that receive the most votes will take a seat on the council in November.

Watch our Facebook page at 12:05 today for an update on your final slate of candidates for this November’s town council election.

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