It Was One Shell of a Show


The 2021 Virtual Sanibel Shell Show took place this past weekend and it was a smashing success. Viewers from 27 states plus Asia, Europe, the Caribbean and Canada tuned in on YouTube to take part in the event.

Clair Beckman, from the Sanibel-Capitiva Shell Cluc tells Beach Talk Radio, “The All Virtual 2021 Sanibel Shell Show exceeded all expctations.”

The Photo Contest was one of the favorites of the weekend with 287 votes cast for People’s Choice Award.


To get caught up on what you may have missed, GO HERE. And take a look at some of the pictures from the event below…

Carol Periard’s Junonia on Coral-photo by Cheri Hollis.

DIY Shell magnets by Riley

MaryBeth Greenplate’s Beach Bungalow Doll House. Photo by Joyce Matthys