It’s The FINAL Book Sale of The Season


The Friends of the Library’s final giant book sale will take place on March 26 and 27 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the library garage. Bring your own bag or the library will provide a grocery bag for you to fill up with books, DVDs, and CDs, all for $15.

The library will also be selling new items from our bookstore and puzzles.

The Estero Island Garden Club will be joining the Library Friends and selling small plants and delicious baked goods.

The Fort Myers Beach Foundation will also be at the event selling merchandise.

And, a representative from the Marine Resources Task Force will be passing out information regarding fertilizer restrictions for Fort Myers Beach, Florida friendly landscaping, butterflies of Lee County and landscaping for wildlife.

The event is always volunteer heavy so if you have some time to help out with set up on Friday or break down on Sunday, contact the library at 239-765-8162.