Join Us Tomorrow Morning For a Killer Show


We have another great show planned for tomorrow live from Pete’s Time Out. Lee County School Board candidate Jacqueline Perez joins us at 9:05, followed by Stephanie Buboltz and Megan Allers from the FMB Woman’s Club. Our anchor guest is Blake Thompson from State Insurance USA. And, we have this special deal….

Stephanie and Megan will be on the show to promote the Woman’s Club 3rd Annual Christmas Tree Festival, which will be taking place on December 11th & 12th. All Women’s Club members that attend the show get 25% off their breakfast. .

Also, if you’ve been thinking about inviting someone to join the Woman’s Club, this may be the time! The prorated Annual Membership is $45 in September Any new members to the Woman’s Club, that signs up during the Live Broadcast on Saturday, will receive a free breakfast from Pete’s and a free Beach Talk Radio hat and t-shirt.