King Leads The Money Race


By the 10th of every month all candidates running for Fort Myers Beach town council are required to file a financial report detailing how much money they’ve raised and who’s contributing to their campaign. As of May 1st, John King has raised the most money.

With $1,400 from five contributions, ranging from $100 to $1,000, in May, John King now has $4,000 in his campaign account.

Karen Woodson now has $2,000 in her campaign account. Woodson received 5 contributions in the month of May, also ranging from $100 to $1,000.

Ray Murphy did not raise any campaign funds in the month of May. Murphy has $200 in his campaign account, including $100 he loaned himself.

Patrick Romcoe has $100 in his campaign account, a check written to himself.

The election being held in November will determine who will fill the seats now occupied by Ray Murphy and Rexann Hosafros.

Candidates must be residents of Fort Myers Beach (for at least one year from the qualifying period). The final day to file to run is this Friday.