Larkin Reapplies For MERTF


Rose Larkin is the first current MERTF committee member to reapply to be on the committee. There are now 8 residents who’ve applies for the committee. 5 of the 7 seats will need to be filled by the Town Council later this year.

Larkin told Beach Talk Radio why she wants to continue on with the committee: “My rationale is that I believe in order for this advisory committee to provide objective information to the Town Council, the group needs to consist of people knowledgeable about our local environment and demonstrating by their actions that they are striving to sustain or improve it.”

Add Estero Boulevard resident Leo Sand to the big pile of people that want to join the Fort Myers Beach Marine Environmental Resources Task Force Committee, which is about to get a major overhaul in October when the Town Council appoints 5 new members.

Larkin joins these 7 residents vying for the now 5 available seats: Leo Sands (Estero Boulevard), David Patton (Bay Beach Lane) James Onoda (Bay Beach Lane) Tom Torgerson (Palermo Circle), Eddie Rood (Estero Boulevard) Maureen Kocisko (Curlew St.) and Sharon Hegstrom (Estero Boulevard) have applied.

Terms for Larkin, committee Chair Steve Johnson, Robert Howell and Jennifer Rusk all expire this year. Mary Rose Spalletta resigned from the committee several weeks ago.

Appointments are for two years. The Town Council will appoint new members October 7th.

If you would like to apply CLICK HERE.
The deadline to apply is September 19th.



  1. I am so happy to see that Rose wants to serve again. She is a valuable person in the MERTF booth at Times Square. She provides people with free native plants. She provides information and literature for planting native plants, soil testing, and native plant landscape options. I have learned so much from her.


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