Here’s What The State Has in Store For You


On Thursday, Let’s Go FMB will hold its monthly meeting at DiamondHead Resort at 4PM. The keynote speaker is FDOT’s Project Manager Chris Speese to discuss the Matanzas Pass Bridge project, including this crosswalk nightmare the state is planning to put it.

Beach Talk Radio will broadcast the presentation live.

LGFMB committee members will also give updates on the pier, parking, boutique business and Times Square. Town of Fort Myers Beach Operations Manager Frankie Kropacek will discuss what’s new with the town and field questions.


  1. This plan has NO OWNER , does nothing to reduce traffic in the congested area within 400 yards of Times SQ- it does Nothing to improve the safety of Bikers or pedestrians in the area . It’s a hodgepodge of best practices jammed into a small area .
    Presentation from Lee county showed Zero real knowledge of Beach , let alone traffic counts , pedestrian counts or any Factual data –
    Traffic from North end , Hall Park area should all be routed down old San Carlos to exit island or to the new light by margaritas to continue their journey south on island . The stretch of 5 th st by Times Sq should be one way (NORTH) for season only .

    • I especially like how one can u-turn in a single lane and go back against traffic flow as depicted in the bottom of the illustration.

  2. This looks horrible. There is no place this will fit in the downtown area by the bridge, it won’t fit anywhere. Any stop lights should be set to allow traffic to flow with an occasional stop for pedestrians, let them wait.

  3. I am not sure I am seeing which road is which, it is zoomed in cutting off some street names. There is nowhere I can think of at the current Time Square intersection at Estero/5th/San Carlos where they could build this big ol’ loop-de-loop, so not following with the current diagram….

    • I understand it is something that is environmentally not good for our estuaries and the island in general. Probably will never happen and actually having another bridge will only provide quicker access for even more traffic that the island cannot handle. Solving nothing.

    • Considering there is no land for a couple of miles from mid island eastward, I think a bridge is going to be out of the question.

  4. another engineering mess just keep it simple, just keep current road but made it 1 lane wider , nothing is going to help and there is no need for that many crosswalks at that intersection people never cross there because is nothing is on the other side of the road


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