Last month we started an Amazon Wish List for Book Nook owner Annette Stillson who lost all of her books when Hurricane Ian came through her location in Santini Plaza. Annette reached out to us Monday and she wanted to pass these kind words along to all of you…
“I Wanted to thank you again. Can never express my appreciation enough. Your listeners driving down have brought me books by the carload. I received one carload today from Michigan and carloads from New York and Georgia the other day. I have also received books all the way from Australia.”
Annette has owned Annette’s Book Nook in Santini Plaza for 13 years. When Hurricane Ian hit, she lost 10,000 books.
Annette’s little book store has been a favorite for both beach residents and tourists alike since 2009. Annette tells Beach Talk Radio News once Santini Plaza is cleaned up and ready to be occupied by businesses again she’ll be back.
As with so many damaged structures on the island pinning down an exact date on reopening is impossible. Santini Plaza suffered extensive damage and work is being done every day to clean it out and make it operable again.
You can still help Annette so she’s fully stocked when Santini Plaza is ready to open. Here is our Amazon Book Wish List.
Let’s continue fill Annette’s house and garage with books….and with a little 2023 happiness.
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