Letter The The Editor: Approve The Dune Walkover


On Monday both WINK News and The Fort Myers News Press carried a story on the dune walkover Eddie Rood and Kurt Kroemer have been fighting with the town of Fort Myers Beach over. We also received a letter from one of our readers that we wanted to share. It comes from Becky Van Dyke. Here’s what she had to say.

(From Becky Van Dyke) “I feel compelled to respond to your story last Friday about Mr. Atterholt and his personal appeal to the public. I’m sure that I’m not the only reader that picked up on Mr. Atterholt’s plea, “I encourage your readers to walk along the beach and through the Critical Wildlife Area.” So I have to ask, does anyone notice the hypocrisy in this statement? He clearly encourages your readers to walk through the Critical Wildlife Area but in turn denounces the residents asking for the walkover, and their right to walk to the beach. Isn’t Mr. Atterholt’s main objection to the walkover to keep people out of the Critical Wildlife Area, but for his argument, it’s ok for your readers to walk through the Critical Wildlife Area.

I admit I’ve been following the stories about the walkover half heartedly. I’m not sure that I know a lot about it, but I think I’ve picked up the key points. Please keep in mind that I’m not sure I really care about the walkover or that I care that FMB could lose millions of dollars. Its not my walkover and it is not my money, although I have to say, the walkover seems reasonable, and it’s difficult to understand the opposition when they make statements like the above.

I’ve heard that this walkover would help a neighborhood of homes have access to the beach? Also, I’ve heard that the residents asking for the walkover have state permits that are already issued by the Department of Environmental Protection. I’ve heard there was a court battle between FMB and the residents asking for the walkover and FMB lost. I’ve also heard, contrary to Mr. Atterholt’s position, in that court battle, the judge presiding over the lawsuit determined the walkover would be a good addition and help preserve the area.

I have to say, looking at this from the outside, it seems the residents asking for the walkover are being treated unjustly and unfairly. It seems the logical approach would have been for FMB to help this neighborhood figure out how to enjoy their beachfront property and get to the beach.

Becky Van Dyke

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