Lynn Hall Park Bathrooms Finally Coming Down


The Lynn Hall Park bathroom facilities on Fort Myers Beach will be demo’d this week. Lee County owns Lynn Hall Park. The restroom building was totally destroyed by Hurricane Ian exactly 14 months ago. Lee County plans to rebuild the restroom facilities, which could take two to three years to complete.

Lynn Hall Park will close to the public starting today. The park will reopen immediately following the work. Demolition will begin Wednesday and take two to three days.

On Beach Talk Radio Saturday, November 11th, Lee County Commissioner Brian Hamman said the restrooms will take years to rebuild due to the permitting process. Also in early November, the Lee County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to rebuild those restroom facilities several months after Lee County Manager Dave Harner said they would not be rebuilt and the county would be moving in more bathroom trailers.

There are expected to be more bathroom trailers brought into Lynn Hall Park after the damaged building is removed, according to Hamman. They will remain in place as the county goes through the plans and process to rebuild the facility.


  1. If the permitting is going to slow down progress to 2-3 years then the town needs to take a hard look at their process and fix it. First the pier taking 4 years and 2-3 for some bathrooms? Just ridiculous.

    • It’s not the town’s permitting process that’s the issue here.

      Watch BTR’s interview with Commissioner Hamman.

  2. Maybe they should hire TPI to build the bathrooms. Somehow TPI was able to build and entire resort and pools, deal with a cat 5 hurricane with a storm surge of 20 ft. while never disrupting traffic and never leaving piles of rubble stacked up everywhere on the island, all in 24 months.


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