Still No Confirmed Opening Date for Library


The Fort Myers Beach Library has been closed since Hurricane Ian inflicted severe damage to the structure. According to Operations Manager Elizabeth Rhodes they are still waiting for an ADA compliant elevator, among other things.

Rhodes says the library project manager is in regular contact with TK elevator and the last word – within the last ten days – is that the elevator cab is being manufactured but there is no concrete answer as to how long after it’s manufactured it can be installed.

The hope is for the library to be open early next year.

Here are some other updates about the library from Rhodes:
– The lobby to the 1st floor mural that was destroyed in the storm has been commissioned with the original artist and is awaiting delivery and installation.
– All projects on the first floor are wrapping up and the first round of shelving units have been delivered.
– Furniture is beginning to be ordered and things will soon start to be moved out of storage and back down to the first floor.
– The library processing and cataloging clerk has been working on getting materials ready for curbside service. There have been a lot of materials published in the last year that the library staff wants to have available.
– New book returns have been installed and will be vital to providing curbside service very soon.
– Notary services are now available by appointment free of charge for patrons and $3 per notarized document for all others.
– Returns can still be made Monday through Friday 9-5pm by first calling 239-765-8162.

The library is hosting the Woman’s Club Christmas Tree Festival and auction December 8th and 9th.


  1. Eliza,
    Do you have anything nice to say? All your comments are so negative!

    The building withstood a Cat5 wind/rain storm. Like most big and small buildings, the water surge from the Gulf was the culprit!

  2. This is crazy. I took a tour of the building right after it was built and the librarian told us that it was built to sustain a Cat 5 direct hit. Wow! Still not up and running? So much for that BS. That BS is what the town wanted to hear so they could even build that monstrosity. Now one of the last major buildings to have recovered and why? Because we need to get tourism here instead of giving the local towns people their library back or their school and public pool and rec center. But look around you. You can stay at a hotel and eat from food trucks or grocery shop. Why? Because those places are needed to hide the real progress of FMB from the tourists. Not a library or the above mentioned for the people that actually live here. Honestly, we probably don’t even need a library because tourists don’t check out books when they can download a beach read instead. Not enough of us left to utilize any of the above mentioned for them to be rebuilt or beneficial. Our Florida governor and his rich cronies could care less for anyone not as wealthy as them. So no need to help anything rebuild that is not needed by tourists. I know my wealthy family never goes to a library or swims in a public pool. But I do and many others that are still waiting on insurance payouts that may not even be enough for them to rebuild the homes they bought when paradise was accessible to all. Not anymore!

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