Lynn Hall Park Restrooms To Be Renovated


$450,000 worth of renovations are planned for the restroom facilities in Lynn Hall Park. The upgrades are scheduled to take place in March of 2021 and the bathrooms will be closed while the work is being done. The County will bring in mobile facilities for the public to use while the renovation is taking place.

According to Lee County Parks and Recreation Director Jesse Lavender FEMA regulations only allow 50% of the building to be improved. Why that is wasn’t explained at Thursday’s Tourist Development Council meeting.

Also, in an interesting turn of events, the project was delayed after a contractor scheduled to do the work backed out. During that delay, the value of the building went up so Lee County was able to add more work to the project to get to FEMA’s 50% limit. It went from being a $375,000 renovation to a $450,000 project when a project to install new was added in.

It’s unknown yet if this project will impact the annual Shrimp Festival which is held in Lynn Hall Park. The Shrimp Festival is scheduled for the weekend of March 13th and 14th. As of now, the renovation is planned to begin in mid-March.

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