Monica Launches Pod Protectors Website


If you’ve been in the water anywhere off Fort Myers Beach you know that one of the luxuries we have is the opportunity to see dolphins. They love Fort Myers Beach just as much as the residents and tourists do. What everyone may not know is what the proper dolphin etiquette is.

Monica Lynn, known to everyone on Fort Myers Beach as the Fairy Podmother, has launched a new website. Her mission is to protect the well-being and future of the dolphins on Fort Myers Beach through education, training, community involvement and events.

Lynn initially started her dolphin-observation education by printing up postcards to share with kayakers and boaters in 2017. Her education campaign expanded in 2018 when she was invited to give regular dolphin presentations at the Fort Myers Beach Library, which she still gives regularly during season.

Lynn tells Beach Talk Radio that her immediate goals are to connect with people who love dolphins and bring them together through the new website and her Facebook Page

The website includes the links and phone numbers to call to help an injured or stranded dolphin.

Lynn says the goal is to make Fort Myers Beach the most dolphin-friendly destination in the country. “We want to build bridges to bring people and businesses together to create a safe haven for our pod. Our belief is when we make the protection of our dolphin family the priority, it benefits all eco-tours immediately and ensures their future, as well.”

Monica offered up these 6 basic guidelines when observing dolphins.
1. Don’t Feed or Touch Dolphins
2. Don’t Lure Dolphins With Sound
3. Don’t Circle or Corral Dolphins With Vessels
4. Don’t Encourage Dolphins to Jump in Your Wake
5. Slow Down When You See Dolphins
6. Don’t Chase, Give Them Space

You can learn more by e-mailing Monica at