Myerside One Meeting Away From Final Approval


On Monday the Fort Myers Beach Town Council held the first of two public hearings to consider the new Myerside Resort. By a vote of 4-1 the Town Council voted to move the project onto the second public hearing where it’s likely to be approved.

The 53,463 square foot resort would include 45 hotel rooms, and four live/work units. The resort would also include 9,000 square feet of retail space, including a 2,250 square foot restaurant, on the 1st floor. The project has been received mostly positively by Beach Talk Radio followers who like the design of the building and the step back approach to the design as you move further away from Estero Boulevard.

Mayor Dan Allers voted against moving the project to a second public hearing telling owners Beverly Milligan and Rolland Weinmann they were trying “to fit a round peg into a square hole.” He called the project very massive and said Milligan and Weinmann were asking for the trifecta: more height, more density and less parking. He also said he disagreed with 50% of the public benefits being proposed (see that list below).
Allers said “The Neighborhood Company and Milligan and Weinmann did such a good job designing the building it clouded people’s brains as to what the real facts are.”

Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt who voted yes said, “I’m asking the applicant to help me stay at a yes.” Atterholt had two specific requests. He wants Milligan and Weinmann to make a serious effort to discourage people from renting a car and driving on to the island by offering guests $100 coupons. He also wants the Myerside team to make a serious effort to get a doctor, dentist and physical therapist into the Myerside retail locations, Atterholt suggested giving Myerside 5 town owned parking spots that are located behind the Myerside property – at no cost – if they were able to line up each of those health care categories. The town code calls for 89 parking spaces for this proposed structure. The Myerside team is asking for a 30% reduction in parking, down to 60 spots.

Milligan and Weinmann are also asking for more height than what’s allowed. Town staff states the height limit in that zoning district is limited to 30 feet and 3 stories. The Myerside ask is 37 feet and 4 stories. Town staff says that the maximum allowable units on the property is 20 (using a multiplier for hotel units). The Myerside ask is for 49 units. Before the storm Myerside had 12 units.

The second public hearing will be held June 17th. If the Town Council approves the project after that hearing, it will take approximately 8-10 months to acquire all the permits to start construction. Milligan tells Beach Talk Radio if everything goes smoothly construction could begin in late 2025 and take 18-24 months to build. That would peg the opening in the Summer or Fall of 2027.

All but one of the 7 Myerside cottage buildings on the 1.03 acre lot were wiped out on September 28, 2022.




    • Building codes have changed since incorporation and the creation of the current comp plan. If property owners, like those at Myerside, cannot build new, profitable structures that support their livelihoods, what’s the point? Similarly, if developers can’t buy and profitably develop the property, why would they invest? No one would build something that costs more to build and operate than it earns. Should owners just leave their properties unimproved?

      • Jerry, that’s easy.
        If a developer can’t build a profitable development that conforms to a town or county’s company plan and height limit then it can look elsewhere. Why should the town conform to the developer’s plan. The town’s plan is what its resident want their town to be and look like. In this case the people of Fort Myers Beach have been consistently clear. The developers coming now knew that before they arrived.

  1. Could we please just try to embrace the change? Our island has to build bigger and stronger than we did in the past. This building has a great island vibe and structural design. The variances are not extreme. This would be a beautiful addition to our island.

  2. Very disappointed, especially with the Vice Mayor who spent at least an hour talking about traffic and parking, asked for something from the owners to help him vote yes, got nothing and still voted yes. Imagine if every new developer got that increase in density with no benefit to the residents. Thank you Mayor for standing up for the residents. I know how I will vote in the next election.

  3. Stick to the plan-
    More condos is exactly what FMB doesn’t need , the public benefit is a scam that TC uses for cover . Stick to the plan and stop with the Public benefit BS .

  4. I’m not certain how density is measured but maximum allowable units of 20 to 49 requested is a 245% increase. Use 45 hotel rooms and its still a 225% increase.

  5. I agree with the Mayor! Too much density, too bulky and I really didn’t see many real public benefits on that list. RESIDENTS: email your town council if you agree with them or disagree!!!!! They need to hear from you.

  6. Most of us have dentist and doctors off of the Island. This resort will only increase the time that it already takes me to see my dentist. I hope the variances are not approved.

  7. If residents don’t like this density then you MUST either go to the Town Council meetings or send an email to each of the Town Council members. That is the ONLY way resident’s voices can be heard. We vote for these folks, so if you want to keep future development to what they are allowed by right (which is what I think you mean when you say “stick to the comp plant” then get involved. That means writing a letter/email or appearing at TC meetings (and LPA) and make a public comment. Don’t think that making comments on BTR or social media will get your voice heard. Even Ed tells us to get involved.

    If you can’t do the minimum of writing an email to voice your desires/concerns, then don’t complain. Council members aren’t mind readers!

    • I am not a resident but agree with this 10000%!!! If I could, I would email, email, email! I grew up going to FMB and have a brother living there. You know I am going to have him speak up! I totally agree with the Mayor! Residents, please speak up!!!

  8. So disappointed, and then on top of that that vice mayor wants to give away town assets. For the four council people that agreed to the public benefit, can you please explain who those things benefit? Are you working for the residents of the beach at all? It can’t be all about the businesses, the snowbirds and the tourists.

  9. Stick to the plan. Haha. Never going to happen. Give us a dentist and we will double your density. How much density can I get if I make space for a doctor? Seriously!!!

  10. This is the council that promised not to change the height limits or the comp plan.
    We believed them.
    Silly us.

  11. The only real public benefit would be having a health professional and that is only a suggestion. If every new project gets 60% increase in density, look out. Thanks Dan for sticking to the spirit of the plan. When everyone else agreed to uphold the Plan and Code, I imagine they were already thinking about CPD’s.


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