Only 3 Seats Left For Our August 12th Wisconsin Show


Seats are going quickly for our Wisconsin pool party and live broadcast at Tanner’s Grill in Kimberly, Wisconsin Saturday, August 12th. To reserve your seat at our big summer pool party GO HERE.

The party is from 2PM to 7PM. We’ll broadcast our show live from 4PM to 6PM from the fabulous Tanner’s Grill pool. There is no charge to attend the show and Tanner’s will be donating 10% of all sales from the day to FMB Strong.

Reserve your seat for the show by joining our Facebook event HERE. If you are not on Facebook, send an e-mail to edryan@asdfads. If you do not have a Yellow Army shirt yet (we’re going to take one big picture), you can order one HERE.

Thank you to our Wisonsin Road Trip sponsors:
Tamara Van Krey Real Estate Team






Keith’s Marina  located at 4339 Hwy 33 W  West Bend WI.
262-751-4826 –









Snug Harbor Waterfront Restaurant on Fort Myers Beach.
239-463-4343 –