Roger’s Meeting Malfunction


Under the leadership of town manager Roger Hernstadt, beach residents have grown used to a malfunctioning town hall sound system that’s been cutting out on a regular basis for the past two years. Yesterday, it was a video malfunction that left many resident in the dark about what the council was doing.

Unless you’re a comcast subscriber you were unable to watch the Fort Myers Beach town council meeting Monday. The meetings are also broadcast on the town of Fort Myers Beach YouTube channel.

About 30 minutes into the meeting, when the council found out the YouTube feed was not working, the meeting was halted. We were then told there would be no live feed available for the meeting because YouTube changed its settings over the weekend and the town’s equipment could not “speak” to YouTube.

There were no reports that we could find stating YouTube changed its settings. We were not having any trouble whatsoever with YouTube and, in fact, broadcast a show both Saturday and Sunday without any settings issues. Our equipment was able to speak just fine to YouTube Saturday at Pete’s Time Out and Sunday at Taste of The Beach.

At 1:30 Monday afternoon the town’s first Nuisance Abatement Board meeting was held and that meeting was broadcast on YouTube without issue (other than the microphones cutting out).

We’ve been informed that Monday’s meeting will be uploaded some time today.

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