Sally Hurts Turtle Count


Our friends at Turtle Time checked in with their weekly update on the turtles nesting on Fort Myers Beach. There are now 10 remaining nests to hatch compared to 19 last week. Unfortunately, some nests in the Critical Wildlife Area were lost due to Tropical Storm Sally.

There are still nests remaining in other zones on the beach so please maintain lighting compliance. If you find a turtle egg, contact Turtle time at 239-481-5566.

In the recent Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation update newsletter, they also reported wash-outs of at least 10 nests due to the storm. “As of today, the beaches of Sanibel and Captiva, once crowded with a record number of yellow stakes marking nests, now host only 51 incubating nests on both islands combined. The season is all but over, with our last nests due to hatch in October. So far, 569 nests have hatched and 32,862 hatchlings have started their long journey to the Loop Current”

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