School Superintendent Joins Our 9/28 Event


On September 28, 2023, along with the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Beach Talk Radio is hosting a special one-year event at Bayside Park at 9AM for family members of loved ones lost in the storm. Lee County School Superintendent Dr. Christopher Bernier has joined our roster of speakers.

A special gift will be presented to the families and donated to the town.

In addition to Dr. Bernier, our September 28th list of speakers includes: Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis, Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers, Lee County Board Commissioner Ray Sandelli, State Representative Adam Botana, Fort Myers Beach Fire Chief Scott Wirth and State Senator Jonathan Martin.

The 4th and 5th grade students from Beach Elementary will perform the National Anthem.

Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt will conduct the prayer.

Bring a lawn chair to Bayside Park and arrive early on September 28th.

If you know a family member of anyone that passed in the storm, please have them contact edryan@asdfads today.

We’re also hosting a special episode of Beach Talk Radio at Wahoo Willie’s beginning at 10AM. Our guests for the entire show will be Fort Myers Beach Hurricane Ian survivors. If you are, or if you know a Hurricane Ian survivor, please contact us at edryan@asdfads.


  1. Why?? They haven’t even started rebuilding our beach school. He is NOT a part of our community, fighting us from day 1. I don’t agree with you giving him credit for our recovery.

    • I could not agree more. This is a political stunt by a man that really could care less about our Beach Kids. Yes, there are only 50 or so Beach Kids, but these are kids that have lost everything… their houses, their way of life, all their possessions and their School. Mr. Bernier has fought against the beach school opening every step of the way and could care less about our kids. Why do our kids not deserve an education on the island? We have a great school, a school like most of you remember where parents actually know the teachers and staff on a personal level, where parents, teachers and staff are actively involved in the education of our kids. Mr. Bernier doesn’t care about any of that. He only cares about dollars and cents. Compared the the total Lee County School District Budget, the cost to run the Beach School is peanuts. They waste more money on buying paper than what is costs to run that school. He decided to stomp on our kids at their lowest moment. It’s almost a year since the storm and our kids are still being bused halfway across the county to attend a school they are not welcome at. Everyone has seen the news about the bus fiasco – that’s no news to Beach School parents. Mr. Bernier should be booed off the stage. The historical building is not that big. The district could have had the kids back on the island if they wanted to easily. They didn’t. They do not care about our kids, period.

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