The 2021 Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Festival Is On


After making agonizing last-minute decisions this year to cancel the Shrimp Festival in the early stages of COVID-19, organizers at The Lions Club have been given the go ahead to proceed as if the 2021 event, set for March 13th and 14th, will take place. Here’s what you need to know.

Volunteers are needed
If you would like to help make the event a success become a volunteer. You can fill out the volunteer form online HERE.

Show off your stuff
The Lions Club says local vendors, especially with shrimp related items, are also needed. Go HERE for all the details on becoming a vendor.

As of now the event organizers are working on ways to social distancing people to keep them as safe as possible if COVID-19 is still part of our lives.

Shelby Peters tells us The Lions Club is working on a few new surprises that they are unable to reveal at this time so stay tuned for that.

The Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Festival is put on by the Fort Myers Beach Lions Club and raises tens of thousands of dollars for charities like local eye surgeries and eye cases, scholarships for area students, Florida Lions Eye Bank, Southeast Guide Dogs, large print books for the local library, little league and youth soccer, Beach Elementary and Cypress Lakes High School student needs.

For more details on the 2021 Shrimp Festival check out their website HERE.