The NEW Moss Marina Development


Last Friday night Moss Marina property owner Ben Freeland and Patrick Vanasse from The Neighborhood Company unveiled their new, scaled down Arches development project for the Moss Marina property. Here are all the details…

The 3 resort hotel buildings have 137 fewer rooms than the original plan (263 compared to 400), wider view corridors, less building bulk, 95 public parking spaces, shuttle service, a linear park and other public benefits (see below). At it’s highest point one of the buildings will be 75-80 feet, according to Vanasse.

What we’ve done here is put the before and after pictures together giving you both a view from the water and view from 3rd street.
Keep in mind these are preliminary drawings. In other words, this is not the final rendering of how the building will look when complete. The next step is to get the proposal in front of the LPA which does not meet again until August 23rd. The LPA previously rejected Freeland’s request for a zone change until members had an opportunity to see more details abut the project. Freeland now plans to request the zone change and submit a CPD at the same time.

For more detail watch the show we did with Ben & Patrick HERE.

And here is a list of public benefit they shared during our broadcast:


  1. Too big. And public benefits for who? For us that live on the Island, the best public benefit, is anything that reduces traffic on and off the Island.

  2. Need to hold the council feet to the fire. LISTEN to the people on FMB .You gave Myreside a huge gift Don’ do it again!

  3. Who else remembers why we incorporated as a town. Height and density! Now comes the money. Politicians will sell the community to the highest bidder.

  4. Just keep things “the way they were” regarding height and density – make everyones’ lives easier !!
    Say -yes- to one, others are just waiting in the wings.

  5. From a town to a city,
    Fort Myers Beach Big and Tall.
    All on one road stacked in overload year around, sitting in traffic asking, ‘who did this, how did this happen?’
    No one will remember. It was lost in a succession of double talk, surrender and broken promises.
    The Eagles were right: Call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye.

  6. Looking for more information on the Ferry system. If you’re a boater, you know given slow or no wake area going from bridge to snookbite and possibly having the Ferry continue on to Fishtale, will take over an hour down and back.

    Shuttle serve from Arches to the beach? By Lynn Hall? If so that area is already congested.

    I’m not in favor of the height and the added density it will bring to FMB. Our infrastructure was maxed out before Ian.

    We don’t need one of two developments to “Save the day”. FMB is progressing slow and steady.

    Better development proposal but still over developed.

  7. First, why does the island need another monster hotel development? Let’s just rebuild what was here, and be done. People who want all this development should go elsewhere. The town council/LPA will hopefully stick to the same height as Margaritaville. They all voted in favor of maintaining the current LDC. If not, then TPI will build higher as well. TT already said he had built the foundation of MV with this foresite. That’s just what everyone needs….MV to be under construction again for another year or two.

  8. Something the mayor said on his Sunday interview is that the outside design reminds him of Naples. As pretty as Naples is, it’s not really our vibe here on FMB, our vibe is fun and funky, so maybe we ought to design our buildings to look more like Nervous Nellies style with straight lines and bright colors.

    • I get that people like “beachy vibe”, but not every single building/development needs to be pink, blue, yellow….


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