The Post Office Has No Phone


And we know that because a Fort Myers Beach resident needed desperately to reach the facility because the condo she typically lives in was uninhabitable and she needed to talk to a human about forwarding her mail.

The local resident received an automated answer and then a transfer to the “Operator,” then it went directly to a fast busy signal.

The Post Office has been operating in trailers for several months after Hurricane Ian destroyed the facility on Carolina Avenue. Regular mail services to residents with functioning mailboxes began again several weeks ago. The old Post Office building is being repaired with hopes the building can open back up some time this year.

So how do you reach someone at the Post Office if you can’t make it down to the facility to speak to someone in person. Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt says Fort Myers Beach Post Office personnel confirmed they don’t have a phone at the temporary trailer facilities.

Atterholt says if you have a question or complaint you have to send it by email to the FMB Postmaster Mark Pie at

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