The Strandview is Coming Down


Remove It Pros owner David Lockwood tells us that his company will be knocking down the 24-unit 7-story Strandview condo building at 4560 Estero Boulevard. Once the building is removed the property will go up for sale.

Dan DAngelo, who also owns a home on Fort Myers Beach, owned a unit on the 6th floor. He says the building was just too badly damaged by Hurricane Ian to be saved. The building was built back in the 70’s. Once the building is down and the lot cleared it will be listed for sale. The property is just under one acre. There are 23 owners, one owner owned two units.

Lockwood says this week his team is going through the building emptying out all of the reusable items. The demo permit has been issued. Watch a video of Dave going through the building getting it ready HERE.

Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt tells Beach Talk Radio the property could be a nice acquisition for the town, “to double the size of Newton Park.” Atterholt said an idea he’s been throwing around with Town Manager Andy Hyatt is to sell or swap a piece of the old town hall property on Estero Boulevard and see if the town could pick up the Strandview property.


  1. I really feel for those homeowners; $100K for a property worth $450K in today’s real estate market. AND they lost their beachfront home. Will their compensation come from homeowners insurance as well as the sale of the property? Or does that sale pay for the demolition? However, the park is a great idea.

  2. My question how much money did each owner get for their unit? Who pays for the demo? How much money is the land worth once cleared. If the owners each got $100,000 that’s 2.4 million. A beachfront condo under 500 sq feet normal rate is $450,000. I’m hoping the owners didn’t take a financial hosing.

  3. One less high-rise on the beach would be a good thing.

    Pre hurricane Ian density should not be the benchmark for post Ian development. I support any leadership direction or decision that will decrease density on this small island.

  4. I LOVE Jim Atterholt’s idea of acquiring the land to enlarge Newton Park. We need that mid-island and it prevents obscuring the beach view with a high-rise building!

  5. That video was something else! Informative, fascinating, amusing (hair-fluffing! hammer-throwing! glass-breaking!), and heartbreaking. And a secret revealed; I wonder if the “double unit” got building permits, and can you put a door in a firewall? No wonder they kept the HOA in the dark. LOL

    I’m perplexed at why the owners abandoned everything in most of the units: not just furniture, but artwork, dishes, savings passbooks, all the things you find in a house. I had no idea that RemoveIt salvaged a lot of that stuff to re-sell; nice that it won’t all go to the landfill.

    At over an hour, it was a long watch – but worth it.

  6. Would be great if Newton expanded but as a first step, how about installing portable bathrooms on the Newton property?

  7. Very sorry for the owners being forced to sell their piece of paradise. It would be best if the town could aquire the property for a park. If another developer gets it, be ready for another 17 story condo.

  8. “Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt tells Beach Talk Radio the property could be a nice acquisition for the town, “to double the size of Newton Park…..sell or swap a piece of the old town hall property on Estero Boulevard….” Excellent idea! Preserve more of our Gulfront!

  9. I LOVE the idea of expanding Newton Park. Its mid island location makes it ideal. Kudos to Andy Hyatt great “outside the box” thinking.

  10. I am sad for the owners but a sensible decision. It is a great idea for the town to acquire it. Newton Beach is a wonderful place for families with children to spend the day. The facilities will already be there. It will open up the view for us all and keep another high rise off the beach side of the island. A great investment for us all.


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