The Turtle Counts Are Rising


From Fort Myers Beach Turtle Time reports 57 nests, 92 false crawls and no hatches yet. Bonita Beach check sin with 108 nests, 115 false crawls and also no hatches. Here’s the count from Sanibel and Captiva…

Sanibel East: 83 Loggerhead, 1 Green Turtle, and 193 false crawls.
Sanibel West: 308 Loggerhead, 9 Green and a total of 385 false crawls.
Captiva reports 115 Loggerhead, no green turtle nests.

While there hasn’t been any hatchings on Fort Myers Beach or Bonita, Captiva has counted 102. Sanibel reported 6 nests that hatched but no tally yet as they allow 3 days before counting the number of eggs from hatchlings.

Please remember lights visible from the beach can have lethal consequences for tiny sea turtle hatchlings trying to find their way to the Gulf. Please do your small, but critically important part, in making it possible for them to find their way safely ‘home’.

Close your drapes at night, turn off or shield exterior lights..…or better yet…use Amber LED bulbs for outside illumination. Remove all beach furniture by 9;00 p.m. Don’t use flashlights or take a flash photo of a sea turtle or the hatchlings. It’s illegal, and it may cause the mother turtle to abort her eggs

Thanks to Turtle time for this picture of a turtle watching over the turtles.