This is What Your Town Hall Looks Like


Shocking was the word Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt used when he saw how the inside of the old Town Hall building looked during a tour this week. The building has been untouched since Hurricane Ian came through, as the town, like so many residents, battles with insurance companies.

The building was deemed structurally unsound which means it needs to be torn down. It’s expected to be bulldozed in the next few weeks. The Town Hall building is in the que like so many other structures on Fort Myers Beach waiting to be demolished.

Atterholt told Beach Talk Radio News he was checking to see if the arches mural on the wall behind where the council sat in the chamber could be saved but there was mold everywhere.

It’s unknown where the town government will operate from when they lose the temporary trailers they are operating in, on loan from the state, in June. Options include renting the trailers from the state and have them moved to either Bay Oaks or the old town hall site, or find a temporary building to lease or buy while a new town hall is built.

Check out more pictures from Jim Atterholt’s tour earlier this week HERE.

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