Town Making $420K in School Improvements


To make the new Bay Oaks redevelopment project work, the town of Fort Myers Beach needed some land. The Lee County School District had some land.

A deal was made.

In exchange for the land the town needed to make the Bay Oaks project work, the town agreed to pay for a few improvements needed at the beach school.

Here are those improvements:

New playground equipment – $249,960
Shade structure – $82,942
Sidewalks to connect the school to Bay Oaks – $27,278
Court sports – $25,000
One inch overlay in the teachers parking lot – $23,800
Basketball hoops – $4,598
Basketball court lining – $3,450
Sod – $2,636
Soil improvements – $1,637
Improvements to parking lot – $500

The Bay Oaks project is expected to begin in May.

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