Town Wants Help From County With Dangerous Crosswalk


The town council has another bone to pick with Lee County about Estero Boulevard. Councilman Dan Allers says residents have been calling him about how dangerous this crosswalk has become at Lenell Road near Santini Plaza.

At several spots along the Boulevard, there are flashing lights that help drivers understand that they are coming up on a crosswalk and should be aware they might need to stop to allow pedestrians to cross. This crosswalk at Lenell only has a sign leaving pedestrians to make the dash across the road when they think it’s safe. Allers says residents in that area would like to see a flashing beacon like the one in front of the Wyndham.

At one point in time this crosswalk was so busy that the town allocated money to pay a crossing guard to stop traffic and help people cross. Unfortunately, the crossing guard quit after being hit by a car.

Allers was given the OK by the town council to pursue the matter with Lee County Board member Ray Sandelli being that Lee County owns Estero Boulevard. Allers will also be contacting Fore Chief Ron Martin to see what the fire department would like to have at that crosswalk.

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