Turtle Season is Upon Us


Turtle Time‘s Eve Haverfield says turtle monitoring began on April 15, per FWC guidelines. Officially, turtle season here on the West Cost begins May 1. Eve says the first loggerhead nest on the Gulf Coast was documented Wednesday (4/21) on Manasota Key.

The nest on Manasota Key was found by Coastal Wildlife Club personnel at Charlotte County’s Stump Pass Beach State Park.

So far no nests have been spotted on Fort Myers Beach.

On Sanibel, four teams of volunteers hit the beach to survey 18 miles of nesting habitat on Sanibel and Captiva. As of this week, no nests or false crawls have been documented on Sanibel or Captiva. The first loggerhead nest on the Gulf coast was discovered today (April 21) on Manasota Key.

From the SCCF website, here are a few things to keep in mind, as we head into Turtle season, which runs through October.