Vice Mayor: Community Policing is a Joke


Those are the words of outgoing Vice Mayor Rexann Hosafros. She made the comments during the Fort Myers Beach Town Council budget public hearing last night. Hosafros has never been in favor of Community Policing and said last night, “I’m against it to the core of my soul.”

Her comments were made during a heated discussion over the add-on list this town council hopes to accomplish in the next several years and voted to fund through a millage increase. The battle was with councilman Dan Allers who’s been fighting to hire two Lee County Sheriff’s Deputies as Community Police Officers for the past two years. Councilman Jim Atterholt is also in favor of at least two officers and the town’s public safety committee recommended 4. The cost to town taxpayers is about $120,000 per officer per year.

Hosafros, Ray Murphy and councilman Bill Veach are opposed. Hosafros said she was willing to swallow it for a year, saying it was a compromise to Allers and Atterholt so they would get on board for other projects that need to be done on the beach and require a higher millage rate. 

Hosafros’ term on the council expires November 7th of this year.

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