Volunteers Needed Thursday and Friday Morning


As we get ready to repaint the wavy wall in Times Square to help accent the new Times Square clock, the wall will need a little bit of work on Thursday and Friday morning before the big paint event Saturday morning at 8AM.

If you are able to come to Times square at 7:30 AM either day for an hour or two we could use your help shoveling sand away from the back of the way and prepping the wall to be painted Saturday. We have several shovels but if you have one and would like to bring it on Thursday or Friday please feel free to do so.

We’ll see you in Times Square Thursday morning at 7:30AM.


  1. So nice of all of these people to come help! Has anyone met or have any plans been made yet to rebuild Times Square? I read not too long ago that nothing has been talked about at this point. Hopefully something has changed🤞🏼

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