Watercolor Demo From The Art Association


On November 21 at 1 pm, Shari Blaukopf, watercolorist, and author, will offer a demonstration of her techniques. Blaukopf is a Montreal-based workshop instructor, watercolor painter and sketch blogger.

She created online sketching courses during the pandemic. Check them out HERE.

Blaukopf is also the author of The Urban Sketching Handbook: Working with Color. She’s been active in the Urban Sketchers community since 2012 and has given many watercolor workshops both on her own and internationally through the Urban Sketchers Workshop Program. Her watercolors are in corporate, government and private collections in North America and abroad, and she’s a signature member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor.

You can follow her sketches on her blog at shariblaukopf.com or on Instagram@sharisketcher.

Immediately following the demo, FMBAA will offer a reception sponsored by Red Coconut RV Park along with their award ceremony for the Fall Judged Show-Endless Beginnings.

For more information contact Art Association publicity chair Pam Flaherty at publicity@fortmyersbeachart.com.

The Fort Myers Beach Art Association Gallery is located at 3030 Shell Mound Blvd, Fort Myers Beach on the corner of Donora & Shell Mound Blvd, one mile south of the Matanzas Bridge.

The phone number is 239-463-3909.
The gallery is open from Monday through Saturday from 10-3pm.
Visit the website for updates at www.fortmyersbeachart.com