Who Should Be Appointed to The LPA?


The Fort Myers Beach Town Council has four applicants to consider for the open Local Planning Agency position. It’s a very important slot to fill with all the new commercial developments that will eventually come before the group.

The four Fort Myers Beach residents interested in serving on the LPA are:
Lagoon Road resident Ed Schoonover, Hibiscus Street resident Debi Szekely, Jefferson Street resident Sal Pedone and Egret Street resident John McLean.

The seat opened up when Scott Safford was appointed to the Town Council.

Ed Schoonover will be our guest this Friday night at 5PM.
Debi Szekely will be our guest Saturday morning at 11:30
You can watch our February 23rd interview with John McLean HERE.

The Town Council plans to appoint one of the three applicants to the seat at its March 4th meeting.

*** This story has been updated to include Sal Pedone who we were told Tuesday morning has also applied for the open seat.


  1. I only hope that any new member of the LPA gives resident homeowners the highest consideration in any recommendations that they approve. My personal request would be to focus on traffic reduction, wildlife and mangrove preservation and a peaceful quality of life for those that live on the Island.
    Post-Ian we have the opportunity to turn back time. Please do not squander this opportunity.
    “That’s all I have to say about that”

  2. Despite both the LPA and Council unanimously reaffirming support for the current Plan and LDC, the real test will be when the new projects asking for major increases in units; Outrigger, Myerside, Moss, go for their CPD’s

  3. If any of the three candidate think the current Comp Plan and LDC should be changed or eliminated, they should not be considered for the position. Any candidate should fully support the Town’s original mission for growth, small and quaint.

    • Agreed – why complicate life?
      If they want to change the comp plan put it up for referendum in Nov-
      Enough of the back door deals and violation of the Sunshine laws –
      People of FMB overwhelmingly oppose London Bay project yet it is still being pushed – last thing FMB needs is Ed Schoonover or any other candidate that wants to blow up 30 yrs of FMB growth plan – majority who purchased on FMB did so for just that reason – not to be on an island of cement towers . The outrigger was a GORGEOUS sight and is still Beautiful today – no need to build a concrete city there that would disrupt life , ecosystems, traffic , taxes , services ……………

      • Well said! As residents who went in October to support the current comprehensive plan the council needs to vote against all of the current plans. Honestly if they don’t let’s go back to lee county. We would get lots more financial support.

      • That same old scare tactic. Cottage,Beach Bar, Whale are rebuilding with minor variances not asking for 30-50% more units. Hold the line as most Beach voters want

  4. Definitely should be a candidate that supports the current LDC and comprehensive plan. That’s what this island is all about. Anyone that doesn’t support this should consider running for a different town.

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