Why They Are Rebuilding


John and Julie Dussliere owned a house on Flamingo Street on Fort Myers Beach. They now own an empty lot after they had to demolish their home thanks to Hurricane Ian. John, not only shared a video of his house being demolished with us, he told us why they are staying and rebuilding…

By John Dussliere…
“We bought in 2017 with the plan to eventually build our retirement home on the lot at 238 Flamingo street. The hurricane has just accelerated that plan. Since 2017, our little home has provided us with a place to live during the pandemic, an incredible home base for many extended family memories, and a winter haven for my Mom. We were lucky to have it before my Dad passed away a few years ago and they were both able to enjoy it. This storm has not only solidified our plans to build here, it has provided an incredible opportunity to get to know our Flamingo Street neighbors very well as we are all building and rebuilding together. It has also inspired me to get directly involved with the town as a new member of BORCAB (Bay Oaks Advisory) so we can get our parks, fields, gym, and pools back up and running. My parents introduced me to this beach community decades ago, and we will now carry that tradition forward. The next “big bad wolf house” will just be up a bit higher.”

Reach out to John by e-mail at jdswim67@gmail.com
Watch the video of the demo HERE.
The demo company used was Extreme Demo.
John’s house before the storm…


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