Woman’s Club Opens Back Up


Things have been quiet at the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club thanks to COVID-19. However, the club recently announced that they are starting back up and will hold their first member meeting on Wednesday, October 7th.  The program will be Mixology Masters– Getting Ready for the Upcoming Season.

The meeting begins at 6:30 at the Woman’s Clubhouse at 175 Sterling Avenue or you can participate by ZOOM at this link HERE or by dialing in: 929-205-6099 (Meeting ID: 850 2259 9118).

Also, in anticipation of the 3rd annual Christmas Tree Festival, The Woman’s Club is holding a Holiday Raffle throughout the fall. An e-mail will be going out about that event soon.

The​ mission of the Woman’s Club is to support educational and recreational activities for non-profit and charitable organizations operating with the greater Fort Myers Beach community.

If you have any questions about the Woman’s Club you can e-mail info@fmb-wc.org.
Check out the Club’s website HERE

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Members of the Woman’s Club will appear on Beach Talk Radio this Saturday at 9:30 LIVE from Pete’s Time Out.