Woodson Launches Campaign Facebook Page


Karen Woodson, who’s running for one of the two open seats on the Fort Myers Beach town council this November, has launched her campaign Facebook page. Woodson’s campaign theme is “Right Time, Right Choice.” Here’s why she’s running.

Woodson is already volunteering her time on the Bay Oaks Recreational Advisory Committee and The Friends of Lover Key. She says she decided to run for Town Council because she believes there is more that she can do. “What better way to “make a difference” than to be involved in the decisions and direction of our future? My experience in Human Resource Management makes me uniquely qualified for the position and will add diversity to the outstanding skillsets already represented by other council members.”

Woodson says she’s an inclusive leader who surrounds herself with people who inspire and challenge her. “I’m a problem solver who focuses on the issue, situation or behavior; not the person. Humility is an asset in any type of management position. This helps me to remember to stay focused on gathering information, researching every detail, and proactively listening to each person’s opinion to develop the best solution from a wide range of input. Once there, I stay true to my convictions. I strive to be an active listener and collaborator who truly wants the best for this community.”

Woodson says her tenure and commitment to this island for the past several years makes it the “right time” for her to step up and serve on the Town Council.

Visit Karen’s campaign Facebook page HERE
Donate to her campaign HERE.
Contact her by e-mail at KarenFMBCouncil@gmail.com


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