With the December resignation of Bill Veach from the Town Council, a 5th council member is needed to get the town’s main governmental body up to its full compliment of members. Here’s how that spot will be filled.
According to the Fort Myers Beach Charter, the remaining Town Council members have the power to appoint someone to fill the vacancy until the next election, which is this November.
If you’d like to be considered for the open position on the council you’ll be required to fill out an application that the town will soon have posted to its website and social media pages. The application will ask you to detail why you’d like to be considered for the position and whether you’d like to serve through November only or whether you plan to run for the seat in November. You will also be asked to include a resume and a list of references.
So far, only LPA member and Sea Gypsy resort co-owner Scott Safford has publicly announced he’d like to be considered for the seat. Safford has been an LPA member since November of 2016 and says he would fill the seat until November and would not run for election. Council seats are 4-year terms.
How Much is the pay?
You go Scott. Thank you for filling in for the empty seat, but please consider running in November.
Scott has been in the thick of it on the island and will do a fabulous job! Thanks for volunteering.
Thank you Scott, for throwing your hat in the ring. A very tough job during tough times. But also getting to keep the Town on the right path it is on.
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