Yellow Army…You Did It Again


Between 5:35AM and 7:18 AM Thursday morning Beach Talk Radio followers donated $3,060 for 30 families in need of a meal on Thanksgiving. Friday morning we’ll deliver the check to Pastor Shawn at Beach Baptist.

Beach Baptist has 30 families on Fort Myers Beach who are in need of a Thanksgiving meal. The goal is to provide all 30 families with $100 gift cards to be able to shop for their own meals whether they are precooked or not. Before our pop-up fundraising campaign began, only 2 of 30 gift cards had been collected. With the money raised, all 30 cards can now be purchased. The plan is to distribute the gift cards to the families this Sunday.

In previous years Beach Baptist collected the actual grocery items in their building but obviously they do not have those facilities to do so with the building gone and the pantry and church now occupying a tent.

The goal was $2,800
Here’s who’s donated:
Tammy Larion: $50
Lori Compagner: $50
Louisa Smith: $100
Darren Romano: $100
Patricia Cullerton: $150
Catherine Cook: $50
Laura Cooper: $100
Deborah Ladd: $25
Kim Sukow: $30
Michele DiPlotti: $100
John Vaughan/Suze Theibault: $120
Mark Mennen: $100
Janet Pierce: $100
Lianne Larhette: $100
Linda Alsman: $25
M B Enterprises: $400
Mary Pape: $25
Kurt Kroemer: $100
Amy Fischer: $25
Lisa Thompson: $100
Kathy Breen: $100
Mary Bauman: $100
Stephanie Wegman: $25
Melanie Gander: $100
Jenny Beach: $100
Alejandra Mariani: $15
Daniel Roland: $20
Melinda Shinaver: $100
Thomas Colman: $100
Beth Long: $50
Brian Beck: $100
Samuel Nicholson: $200
Kim and Ed Ryan – $200