You Will Pay More Next Year


If government doesn’t get you one way, they’ll get you another. While the town of Fort Myers Beach did pass a budget that does not raise taxes, nearly every fee a contractor pays, whether it’s for commercial or residential work, will increase in 2021. That means if you’re having work done on your home or condo that requires a contractor to get a permit you will likely pay more in 2021.

The town also says the permit fees are now required before any applications can be processed.

Town staff often complain in front of the magistrate that contractor work is often done without permits. Contractors and homeowners respond by saying the town’s process to obtain permits is like a never-ending maze of hoops and hallways.

At the September 21st Town Council meeting the fee schedule for 2021 was approved. Permits that are needed for roof work, remodeling, demolition, driveway work, docks, seawalls, boat ramps, and pools will all increase.

Did you know you need a permit to have work done on your sliding glass doors and windows? That permit is $325.00

You’ll need to write a $525.00 check for this one: “Commercial or Residential Sheds, Decks, Screen Enclosure/Pool Enclosure, Dumpster Enclosure, Radio/TV Antenna, Freestanding Signs, Mobile Home/RV Setup.”

A $525 fee for a radio or TV antenna?

Thinking about remodeling the inside of your home? You may want to keep it to a 49% remodel. If it’s above the 50% mark, that permit will run you $675.

Need to move a structure? $750, which is $25.00 more in 2021 for some unexplained reason.

There’s also one full page of miscellaneous fees including $450 fee if you want to install a generator, up from $420 in 2020.

2020 will go down as one of the toughest years in the history of this generation with businesses being forced to close and many people losing their jobs, not to mention those that died from COVID-19. The town of Fort Myers Beach government did not institute any pay cuts or furlough one single government employee despite the drop in parking fee revenue or any other revenue decline due to a non-existent 2020 tourist season.

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