Your Lee County Taxes Will Not Be Going Up


On Tuesday the Lee County Board of Commissioners voted to keep the ad valorem tax rate at 3.7623 of $1,000 of assessed property value. That is the same rate as the current year. The Lee County budget is $2.6 Billion and the county employs 2,800 people.

While property values declined over 40% on Fort Myers Beach due to Hurricane Ian, they only declined 7% in Lee County.

The County will be holding two public hearings to discuss and approve the 2023-2024 budget; September 5th and September 19th at 5:05PM.

Fort Myers Beach Town Council, The Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District and the Fort Myers Beach Library Board all voted to keep their millage rates the same for the next fiscal year. At this point, any of those taxing districts can choose to lower their rates but they cannot raise them.