Lawyer Wants Competency Hearing For Alleged Librarian Killer


New court documents filed this week show that Attorney Michael Mummert has asked Lee Circuit Judge Margaret Steinbeck to appoint an expert to determine the competency of Adam Soules. Soules is charged with the 2019 stabbing death of Fort Myers Beach Librarian Leroy Hommerding.

The documents state that Mummert has observed Soules “experiencing psychotic symptoms such as disorganized thoughts, possible auditory and visual hallucinations, and grandiose delusions of persecution.”

The documents also points out that on May 10, 2022, Dr. Michael Collins completed a sanity evaluation on Soules and during that evaluation “had cause to question the competency” of Soules.

Mummert says there are concerns that Soules “lacks the capacity to appreciate the charges or allegations against him, appreciate the range and nature of possible penalties, if applicable, that may be imposed in the proceedings against him, or understand the adversarial nature of the legal process.”

Mummert is also concerned about how Soules would behave in court and whether he could testify relevantly.

The next court date set for Soules is August 16th.

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