Is This New Business Name Offensive?


Councilman Dan Allers believes it is and he’s asked Town Attorney John Herin to see if anything can be done about it. The new t-shirt and gift shop recently opened at Old San Carlos Boulevard. They also have a location on Madeira Beach.

Allers said there’s some concern over the name. “I don’t know if we have anything in place where there’s anything we can do. We want this to be a family friendly island and I’m concerned with that name specifically. I don’t know that it’s family friendly.”

Vice Mayor Rexann Hosofross said one of the problems we have is we already have a business called S.O.B. (which stands for Smokin’ Oyster Brewery by the way). She said it would be hard to enforce something on one business after already allowing it with somebody else.

Town attorney John Herin said we certainly can take a look. “Sign regulations have limitations on the kind of wording that can be used for commercial enterprises. We’ll look into that but there are also 1st amendment implications whenever you get into sign regulations.”


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