Anchorage Wants To Move Upland To Harbor House


On Monday Anchorage Advisory Committee Chair Katherine Light will ask the town council to look into moving Upland Services for mooring field residents to the Harbor House. Upland Services include showers, bathrooms, laundry, water and trash collection.

For years Upland Services have been provided by Matanzas. The town has extended that agreement for at least one more year while they decide whether or not to take the services in-house.

You may recall there was a proposed three-story building next to Nervous Nellie’s being considered for this purpose before it was killed when local businesses and neighbors discovered the size of that building and objected to the council. The town had to eat the engineering funds it laid out for that project, which appeared to grow larger in size without anyone’s knowledge.

At the last Anchorage Advisory Committee meeting members were finally given cost estimates on the three remaining locations for the Upland Services. The three options being compared were: continuing to contract out with Matanzas or taking everything in-house either at Harbor House or Bay Oaks. Bay Oaks was taken off table with a major reconstruction project set to get underway at that location. There was also concern about access to the water from Bay Oaks.

The Harbor House location would include the purchase of two units totaling 1,391 square feet for approximately $380,000, $208,000 in renovations and $7,300 in annual maintenance fees.

Vice Mayor Rexann Hosafros, who is the town council’s liaison to the committee, is not a big fan of condo board’s which would be part of the harbor House deal. “I have severe reservations about the town buying a condominium. The legal restrictions we would be under really frighten me. Condominium boards are little dictatorships. A small group of people have a huge impact on how you use your space. There are monthly fees that they can raise as they see fit.” She said the condo law situation gives her great reservation.

The committee went ahead and passed a motion to recommend that Town Council consider pursing the two-unit option at Harbor House and all necessary inspections be done to take the upland service provider in-house.

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