Committee Member: Town Staff is Condescending


Bay Oaks Committee member Holly Sweeten is not happy with the way she’s being treated by the town staff and she let everyone know it. At Monday’s BORCAB meeting Sweeten told the committee how town staff dealt with her when she asked questions about the new Bay Oaks campus project.

Sweeten said, “the last few times that I’ve had questions I felt like I was almost yelled at or talked down to or almost told to just shut up. I was dismissed. It was people that work for the town and I don’t think that’s right.”

She also accused a member of town staff of mocking the committee’s work on the new Bay Oaks project on social media. Sweeten said the town employee, who she did not name, mocked the committee by laughing at some of the items the committee was considering for the new campus, such as artificial turf fields and a large amphitheatre.

The new Bay Oaks campus project has caused a rift between the committee, which is all volunteer, and town staff. Lee Melsek, who recently resigned from the committee, was very vocal about how the committee had been working on a new campus for years only to see it all changed by The Town Manager without notifying the committee. Melsek, and several other committee members, called him out several times on what had been done.

At a previous town council meeting, Councilman Dan Allers said local residents who call town hall for help or with questions have complained to him about the way they are treated by staff. The rest of the council had nothing to say about it and the council moved on to other business.


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