Ding Gets Substantial Donation For Intern


The J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge will be adding another internship thanks to a gracious donation made by Jim and Liz Birmingham of Sanibel and Colorado.

As regular visitors to the refuge who believe in giving back to the communities they live in, the Birminghams made the donation which will underwrite the cost of a year long internship to work at the Refuge.

Interns are involved in the Wildlife on Wheels or WoW which is a mobile urban classroom. “After meeting some of the interns and WoW team, the Birminghams were so impressed by how an intern can make such a huge difference in the educational outreach to students and hard-to-reach communities,” said Birgie Miller, executive director of the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge (DDWS)

DDWS is now accepting donations for future named internships at $12,500 a year, which is the cost for supporting one intern including living stipends, travel, tolls, Sanibel Rec Center membership, and other expenses.