FWC Drops The Turtle Hammer on Margaritaville


In a 50-page report the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission detailed 51 changes that need to be made to the resort’s lights in order to come into turtle compliance. It was a report TPI CEO Tom Torgerson and State Representative Adam Botana called an overreach.

Margaritaville has not received its final Certificate of Occupancy and would need this sign-off in order to receive the final CO from the town.

FWC went through the resort with a fine toothed comb and didn’t miss any object that has the slightest chance of sending light toward the beach. From an illuminated screen on an ATM machine to exit signs to a small rectangular light on a drink machine. FWC included recommended fixes to all 51 items listed in the report.

One of the more bizarre FWC requests was telling Margaritaville they had to remove 4 TV’s that face the beach and Times Square from the License to Chill bar. They are not allowed to be on during the day and they could not simply be turned off at night during turtle season (which ends November 1st). FWC says they have to be removed. That didn’t sit too well with servers at the restaurant this past weekend who are looking forward to the College Football and NFL season to increase business.

TPI CEO Tom Torgerson says he’s protesting that demand from FWC. He says he’s offered up a compromise. “1) bagging the four TV’s during turtle season and 2) turning off the other 4 TV’s at 10 p.m. In verbal discussion with FWC they indicate they are willing to accept this, but haven’t formally said so. In the meantime we’re practicing our compromise offer and not removing the TV’s as they have ordered us to do. Believe me, there are other ridiculous over reaching demands as well.”

State Representative Adam Botana told Beach Talk Radio News that his office is currently in discussions with FWC regarding this overzealous action. “I completely understand the reasoning behind turning off the TV’s at night time during turtle season, but removing them altogether is unjust. I believe FWC will reconsider this action and come to the right conclusion.”

On Beach Talk Radio Sunday Mayor Dan Allers also said making Margaritaville remove the TV’s during the day made no sense to him either.

Here’s another example from the resort. The water fountain at the check-in area has to be changed. And, even FWC admits the lights are not visible from the beach.
Here’s another…
Even though they were originally approved and installed correctly, these lights under the License to Chill bar must be removed because FWC says they cause “indirect glow” to the beach and it is not required for human health and safety.

Torgerson went on to say that he believes there are some people on the island who are pushing for this. “It’s important to point out, in full transparency pulling the curtain back, there are local people that have been lobbying DEP for harsher and more human habitat invasive turtle measures. I feel the voice of FMB to Tallahassee should be our MERTF Committee and Council, not individuals pursuing personal agendas. That’s why I have requested the Council appoint me to MERTF. I love the outdoors, wildlife, marine habitat, the beaches, boating, you name it. But I believe their needs to be a balance where we are very respectful of the turtles but not to the point of crossing the line of either putting human habitat at life safety risks or being ridiculous in extreme measures that really have no impact on turtles.”

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  1. Can we get something written into the code that the “light meter reading” must be taken from the sand? I highly doubt the “light” from a soda machine effects the turtles. Having worked at Pierside for over 5 years, I assure you the folks on the beach at night using the flashlights on their cell phones are far more damaging to the turtles but never once did I see an official policing them. Let’s be a little REALISTIC here.

  2. Well money trumps turtles. I have a condo near the South end of the island and I was told to turn off my lights after nine o’clock during the nesting season or be fined. the turtles loose to big money.

  3. I am sooo sick of the turtles and the do-gooders. Why aren’t you more concerned when the ambulance can’t get thru the traffic to help someone. Bet if the turtles needed traffic lanes, they would get them. Please get you heads out of your as…. You talk about the need for tourists and locals returning and then you pull a stunt like this. Sounds like the 15 story buildings will be the next thing coming.

    • Ed should dig into this and find out who is behind this lunacy. Juno beach had 25 thousand nests that produced over 1 million hatchlings and they are not making local bars turn their TV’s off during the day. Dox the fools that are pushing for this crap. I seriously want to know who they are and what their credentials are. They had better be from Mote Marina with a PhD. I have a feeling these people are just retired people with too much time on their hands that if it wasn’t for the turtles they would be on a HOA somewhere policing garbage can removal from the curbs.

  4. Seriously? Where is this lunacy coming from? I have owned my home on FMB for 15 yrs and I have never heard of such insanity until recently. Human lives have been put at risk as we drive around in the dark because of the obscession with the turtle lights and now the TVs have to be shut down during the day? Where is the mayor on this? Surely he can’t agree with this over-reach? What are the credentials of the “turtle time nazis”. Ed should call Mote Marine and speak to a bioligist and ask them if they ever heard of this new requirement that turtle time “experts”. Have come up with.

  5. Who are these people that are members of the FWC? How did they get these jobs? Appointed by someone or applied and had super credentials about the studies of turtles and lights? It sounds like they are way over stepping their job descriptions, if they have one, and abusing their power that they really don’t even have. This has gotten way out of control.

  6. Who gave these turtle fascists all this power? What they are forcing on the island economy is ridiculous. Whoever in FMB government allowing this should be removed from office immediately and made to pay back every fine imposed.

  7. Overzealous, out of control, unreasonable, power drunk turtle loons they are, devoid of reason and common sense. Is there anything that can be done to rein them in?

  8. Are there any turtle nests ANYWHERE near times square?? I have found that turtles usually stay away from congested areas and not build nests there.. The Tv’s or lights causes issues but not the hundreds of people that are on the beach or in the area?? This is totally ridiculous.. especially during the day.. There needs to be oversight on FWC.. why is minor lights an issue well away from the beach?

  9. The absurdity of the Turtle Nazis is in full force. These turtles must have fantastic eyesight, assuming they follow the glow of TV’s instead of sunlight during the day. How may people have been injured on Estero Blvd due to the lack of lighting during this recent turtle hurricane?

  10. Someone, or someone in the ear of someone at FWC, definitely has something against Margaritaville. It’s unfortunate that FWC is playing this game instead of doing what’s right for the community and environment. Whoever this is, should be fired!

  11. I’m a 40 year lighting professional and firmly believe FWC has been far too rigid in their requirements on the beach, and that also makes me wonder if individuals close to the FWC have an alternative agenda. If you cannot see the artificial light from the nesting mounds, the FWC has absolutely no right, or need, to mandate any type of control. They, along with their advocates, have even refused to review and approve newer LED lighting technologies which produce more light and higher efficacy, while still producing less blue (which is thought to attract turtles) than a low pressure sodium lamp, which was their benchmark for turtle lighting for many decades. As a result, it’s costing taxpayers, homeowners, and businesses more money to comply. These are indisputable facts to anyone who is truly knowledgeable in lighting.

  12. I find that Turtle Time on FMB has always been way over kill in more recent years. My condo building on FMB, sits on the beach but my unit faces the side, not the beach. One morning getting up before sunrise only turning on an under cabinet light in my kitchen facing the parking lot on Estero Blvd, I later got an email threatening a $500 fine for my light. I am sure no baby turtle could see this light but only the Turtle Time person walking around our building. Another time sitting on a neighbor’s balcony slightly after sunset another letter from Turtle Time for a $500 fine for a kitchen light on not the balcony light or the living room which are much closer to the beach. I am sure there are many stories like this without Turtle nests in site or after hatching that are extreme and excessive. Not a fan of over reacting Turtle Time.

    • I’m sorry but that sounds like there is some creepy stalker lurking around. They just happen to be there everytime you “commit an offense”??? That’s a stalker disguising themselves as a turtle Nazi. Pathetic.


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